New Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Jones

By Sophia Parent

Greg Jones is a new teacher here at LaSalle who teaches history, psychology, and government. He grew up in a small town in Southern California right outside of Los Angeles named Rosemead. Mr. Jones’ spark for teaching began while he was in college. He was enrolled in the philosophy department and was offered a teaching position by his graduate advisor. Mr. Jones accepted, and his love for teaching began. 

Mr. Jones enjoys traveling the world. He was not even in the United States when he applied for his job at LaSalle! Mr. Jones was traveling in Ireland when he saw an advertisement for the position and jumped on the opportunity. When it comes to teaching, Mr. Jones does not have a set philosophy, but he truly believes in showing love and enthusiasm in the subject he teaches. He feels “enthusiastic engagement” in a subject is extremely important, and he also believes it’s important to teach the “good stuff” in life. He hopes to pass his love for the subjects he teaches onto his students. Every subject he teaches he teaches because of a genuine interest in the topic. He loves history and loves to fill in as many gaps as he can in the historical timeline. He chose Government because he thoroughly enjoys talking and debating about politics with his family and friends. Lastly, he became interested in psychology due to a previous interest in neuroscience.

Some fun little facts about Mr. Jones are that he loves spending his time reading, traveling, and going to the gym. An interesting fact about Mr. Jones is that while he was 12 years old he was hit in the head with a baseball at a Dodgers game and is now blind in his right eye. Lastly, Mr. Jones loves music and attending concerts, especially new artists. Mr. Jones loves his position at La Salle and hopes to remain here in years to come. 10 years from now, he sees himself here with absolutely no regrets and no desire to retire!