New Teacher Spotlight: Mr. McDevit

By Marcus Su and Antonio Marin

With the start of a new school year comes a multitude of new hires,  teachers of various backgrounds are welcomed into the LaSallian community.  The start of 2022 is no exception, with a sizable cast of seventeen new teachers. Today, Antonio Marin and I are interviewing the new addition to our science building, the physics teacher, Mr. McDevit. 

Growing up in Warwick, Mr. McDevit has spent the majority of his life in Rhode Island. His journey spans from going to Providence College for an education major to an entire four decades of teaching (which included coaching Mr. Finnegan!) to now finally serving as a LaSallian.  When asked the question, “ What is your philosophy of education,”  Mr. McDevit replied, “To educate the whole person, not only giving them a classical education, but also developing both the mind and body fully.” Outside of school, Mr. McDevit is a full time grandparent, taking care of his grandchildren, along with enjoying the casualties of life, that being golf and simple relaxation. La Salle will serve as McDevit’s final chapter in teaching, as after two retirements and decades in the education field, Mr. McDevit has finally decided that La Salle will be his last stop before truly retiring.

As one of the new hires to La Salle, the academy gladly welcomes Mr.McDevitt into this amazing community. Stop by S134 to greet him, as he explains the complexities of physics to our junior and seniors.